For those that haven't heard of this term, Biophilic Design is the art of connecting buildings to nature and other forms of life. It is influenced by the elements and properties of nature. It is the love of living systems.

Have you noticed that after an extensive day at work, being surrounded by four walls of cement, drywalls, computer screens and phones, we tend to find ourselves stopping/glancing at a park or any other natural area during our travels back home. We find ourselves surrounded by the tranquility and commodities that separate us from the natural world. Those brief moments are strangely soothing and reinvigorating to our human lives.

Sadly, the leading concern when designing structures are related to problems that revolve around human well-being and the ‘livability’ of spaces that both degrades the environment and alienate us from nature. However, Green Architecture unify energy efficiency and lower the carbon footprint, it has accomplished little in the way of reconnecting us to the natural world. It is missing a piece of the puzzle of sustainable development.

By spending most of our time indoors, Biophilic Design is eagerly looking for ways to reconnect people with the natural environment. Designers can do this by incorporating characteristics of the natural world, such as natural light, ventilation, natural patterns, textures and materials in the overall structure, that allows those of us who spend most of our time in buildings to create a more productive, healthier built environment and grow our connection with the natural world.

Other elements to looks at are:
- Environmental features
- Natural shapes and forms
- Natural processes & systems
- Place-based relationships
- Evolved human-nature relationships
- Thermal & Airflow variability
- Material connection with nature
- Complexity & Order
- Prospect

Yes, Green Architecture and Biophilic Design & Architecture have similar principles and elements. They both aspire to incorporate environmental friendly materials and lower the carbon foot print, all though, there could be abstract versions of incorporating Biophilic Design into a structures. 

Biophilic design’s objective is much more attentive and detailed than just adding a few pot plants into your interior. There are several diverse methods to incorporate the natural world into our design/structures.

Visual connection to nature is one of the key characteristics. By including large windows that look towards the most natural area will allow for a greater connection. We can observe how spaces are used in an indoor/outdoor fashion. The most popular choice is by enclosing an indoor space with either glass or not at all.

The tree has an escape way through the ceiling where we can see that the space is enclosed by windows, therefore, creating a visual center piece. Giving a real feel for nature to this building.

The same as the photo of where the grass is embedded into the concrete to create a softer feel. With large windows and wooden furniture.

I just love the picture with the plants incorporated in the space, as it has a relaxed yet public feel. Creating almost a center space for people to get together. The glass roof is an excellent idea, specially if there is beautiful scenery or even beautiful architecture, as the soft feel of the trees creates a balance with the architecture. 

By using our different senses, not just by sight, our everyday materials and fabrics can also connect us to the natural world.  
Interior Decorating has also been influenced through this movement as we can see by exploring more natural fibers for your textiles, curtains and other Interior Decorating elements, instead of using synthetics and plastics. These elements creates the feel of hand crafted authentic design, representing function in it's most optimal form, having a conviction in elegance through efficiency.

Inspired by our third blog, "Let me plant one on you", we found that nature has a huge impact on the architecture and materials that we use for constructing anything. On that thought, sustainable materials also have a big part to play and the one or two architects out there who are using their knowledge to help achieve a better environment. By using Biophilia in an interior space or building one can create a better environment for the well being of many people and their general mind set onto life. We don’t all realise it, but the impact that architecture has on us is bigger than we think. 

Biophilic Design points the way to creating healthy and productive habitats for modern humans.
